KAZISS’ enters top of world's think tanks for first time ever
According to 2016 TTCSP Global Go to Think Tank Index, the Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan (KazISS) was listed among 150 the best think tanks among 6,000 analytical institutes and centers in the world.
The Global Go to Think Tank Index Report is published annually by Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of University of Pennsylvania through analysis of more than 6,000 think thanks worldwide.
KazISS was also rated under in separate categories. According to 2016 Global Go to Think Tank Index, the Institute is listed among the Top Defense and National Security Think Tanks. The KazISS performance has improved in 2016 and climbed to 95th place. The Institute has also risen to 56th place in the list of the Best Government Affiliated Think Tanks.
KazISS has secured its position is Top 3 among Think Tanks in Central Asia.
Other Kazakh analytical institutions were also assessed by 2016 Global Go to Think Tank Index, namely the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Public Policy Research Center, Research Center under Ministry of Education and Science, R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, National Analytical Center, Economic Research Institute, and KIMEP University.
All this signifies the growing role of Kazakh analytical centers. Their scientific and expert materials are increasingly quoted by foreign experts and scholars.