20:11, 22 April 2009 | GMT +5
KAZYBEK BEK TAUASSARULY (1692-1776) – a scientist, who obtained scientific and religious education in large cities of the Asia Minor.

His father Tauassar Mataiuly was a judge. He took Kazybek to Bukhara to study Islam . In spite of the tender age, Kazybek studied well, finished it in four years and came back home, where he taught home-folk children during the two years.
Togerther with Otegen he listened to lectures of Khafiza-zade. Then they were on eight year travel, visiting Sham, Bagdad, Istanbul, and Rome. These years were fruitful for Kazybek. He got acquainted with the works of Al-Farabi, Makhmud Kashgari, Khwaja Ahmad Yasavi. Visiting all Europe and a part of Russia, Kazybek returned home in 1709. He wrote ?Flowers of Iran? book. But the war-time did not allow him to study science and write books.
He took part in a battle with the Kalmyks near Ayaguz, where he met Kabanbai batyr and narrator Kozhabergen. Then he went to Tsevan Rabdan as ambassador of Tauke khan.
The work of Kazybek bek Tauassaruly contains information about contemporaries, batyrs.
?Historical figures? book