Kerry, Lavrov start talks on Syrian chemical weapons

Kerry said before the meeting that diplomacy is and always has been the U.S. first resort and achieving a peaceful resolution is clearly preferable to military action.
He said the United States considered the words of the Syrian regime are simply not enough, so they come to Geneva in order to work with Russia to make certain that this can be achieved.
"The Russian delegation has put some ideas forward and we are grateful for that and we have prepared our own principles that any plan to accomplish this needs to encompass," he said.
"Expectations are high. They are high for the United States, perhaps even more so for Russia to deliver on the promise of this moment," said Kerry.
He reiterated that "this is not a game", and it has to be real, comprehensive, verifiable, credible, and has to be implemented in a timely fashion.
"Finally, there ought to be consequences if it doesn't take place," he said.
Lavrov said that "we should get down to a very serious work."
"The development of the events gives us an additional opportunity for Geneva 2," he said.
The meeting was scheduled for Thursday and Friday, but it's possible for it to extend to Saturday.