14:46, 15 April 2009 | GMT +5
KMG plans to increase domestic content dynamics ? K. Kabyldin
ALMATY. April 15. KAZINFORM /Dauren Zhailin/ KazMunaiGaz National Company has been carrying out work on increasing domestic content since 2006. Kairgeldy Kabyldin, President of the Company, said it at yesterday?s conference on development of Kazakhstan?s participation.

In particular the Company has adopted a program on increasing manufacturing of Kazakhstan equipment for oil and gas sector.
Last year the level of domestic content in the Company?s purchases made 74%. This year it is planned to be raised up to 81%.
?We plan to increase dynamics of Kazakhstan?s participation. Namely, in Karachaganak project the interest of Kazakhstani producers has reached 55%, in North Caspian project ? 39% and in TengizChevroil project this figure makes 61%?, K. Kabyldin said. According to him, the Company pursues the following aims ? to raise Kazakhstan?s participation through providing services and repairing stand-by equipment.