Koreas withdraw troops, firearms from dozens of border guard posts

"The South and the North earlier agreed to pull back troops and firearms from 11 GPs each by today," the source said on condition of anonymity. "Our side carried out the task as agreed while the North is said to have done it too."
South Korea has already started demolishing some of the GPs, the source said. He said that the North has also been seen destructing some of their border installations.
During their general-grade military talks last month, the two Koreas agreed to each withdraw 11 GPs in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) by the end of this month.
They agreed to verify their removal in December in line with their September military agreement aimed at building trust, reducing tensions and preventing accidental clashes.
South Korea currently has some 60 GPs in the DMZ, while the North has about 160 such posts there. They are discussing removing all their GPs after the current trial-basis demolition is completed.