Kyzylkala site may be inscribed into UNESCO World Heritage List
According to Marat Utessinov, deputy director of the Mangistau State Historical and Cultural Reserve, the reserve is busy preparing the necessary documents which may help inscribe the site into the list.
Kyzylkala site is situated 18 kilometers northwest of Shetpe settlement in Mangistau region. It dates back to 10-13th centuries. It has a fortress in the center walls of which are 3 meters high. The remains of 13 towers can still be observed at the site as well.
Burial mounds occupying a territory of 2 ha are situated nor far from the fortress. Archeological excavations began at the site back in 1978.
Kazakhstan ratified the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and National Heritage on April 29, 1994. The first heritage sites located in the territory of Kazakhstan were featured into the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2003 at the 27th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.