KZT 109 bln channeled to small and medium business - I.Tasmagambetov

ASTANA. December 3. KAZINFORM /Damir Baimanov/ About KZT 109 bln is channeled to small and medium business.

 Astana Mayor Imangali Tasmagambetov announced it at the session of the Astana city affiliate of Nur Otan People's Democratic Party on Thursday.

The Mayor reminded that at the beginning of the year there was concluded the memorandum of cooperation between the Astana akimat (administration) and SamrukKazyna National Welfare Fund, and as a result of which the second-tier banks in Astana provided loans amounting to KZT 39.4 bln.

"Besides, there is an increase of own investments into production by 21 percent. This index reached KZT 69 bln. At present totally about KZT 109 bln is directed to small and medium business", I.Tasmagambetov emphasized.

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