09:16, 30 April 2009 | GMT +5
KZT 2.5 bln spent for business projects in Zhambyl region
ZHAMBYL OBLAST. April 30. KAZINFORM /Galina Skripnik/ 38,991 small enterprises are registered in Zhambyl oblast, including 5,353 legal entities, 16,007 farms and 17,631 private enterpreneurs, says the statistics.

From the beginning of the year small enterprises have produced goods to the amount of KZT 10.3 bln.
The number of employed in the small business sphere decreased by 1.4 percent, forming 119,000 people, against the similar period in 2008.
As part of the co-financing program the Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC jointly with second-tier banks financed 29 projects of business support to the amount of KZT 522.7 mln.
79 projects in Zhambyl oblast received financial aid amounting to KZT 2 bln from second-tier banks under the Damu-Regions program.