20:40, 11 March 2014 | GMT +5
KZT 2 bln for Business Road Map 2020 development in Aktobe region
AKTOBE. KAZINFORM "KZT 2 bln will be allocated for realization of Business Road Map 2020 in Aktobe region," head of the entrepreneurship department Marat Balmukhanov said.
"Since 2010 the region has been taking the lead in the program fulfillment. Besides, this year the Government will allot KZT 3 bln for the construction of an industrial zone of Aktobe," he added. As stated there, last year the emerging entrepreneurs of the region were awarded up to KZT 3 mln of grants. This year it is planned to allocate KZT 14 mln of grants. The grant application deadline is March 14.