17:48, 28 April 2009 | GMT +5
KZT 33bln utilized within agro-industrial complex support program ? KazAgro
ASTANA. April 28. KAZINFORM. /Kanat Kulshmanov/ ?KZT 33 billion out of sources, allocated for financing of the agro-industrial complex, have been utilized?, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ?KazAgro? Holding Assylzhan Mamytbekov has said at a roundtable on ?Realization of the Kazakh Government?s Plan and Problems of Agro-Industrial Complex Formation? in Astana today.

?We have divided the process of project financing in two stages. During the first stage we determined the limits of financing for every crop species. Besides, we study investment projects. One of them is ready for signing. Another 20 projects were examined, and financing will start soon. All projects are aimed at stabilizing the internal agro-industrial market and realizing export potential of the state?, A. Mamytbekov noted.
The participants of the meeting adopted a resolution that envisages promotion of the agro-industrial complex as one of the priority tasks in the global financial crisis. They also agreed to work out programs of financial support of big processing enterprises not involved into the program of ?Damu? Fund.
As reported earlier, ?Samruk-Kazyna? National Welfare Fund allotted KZT 120 billion to ?KazAgro? Holding within the framework of the antirecessionary plan for implementation of investment projects and financing of agro-industrial enterprises.