17:57, 20 December 2009 | GMT +5
KZT 4 976 000 for Road Map's realization in West Kazakhstan
URALSK. December 20. KAZINFORM /Elzhan Eraly/ KZT 4 mln 976 thousand have been allotted for Road Map Program's realization in West Kazakhstan. KZT 679 mln out of them were provided from the national budget.

82 projects amounting to KZT 4 193 800 are under realization in the region at present. 69 projects have already been completed. 8, 823 new working places were created due to this. The average wage of the workers involved in Road Map's implementation made KZT 24, 254.
The Road Map was implemented in four directions. 22 projects were launched in housing and utilities sphere which provided 3, 606 people with jobs.
KZT 1 343 200 were allotted for repair of 30 social facilities. 3, 000 people found jobs at these projects. KZT 235 mln were utilized in repair of 11 socio-cultural projects.
KZT 443.7 mln were allotted from the national budget for retraining of personnel in the oblast.