KZT 8.5 bln for implementation of Road Map Program in 2010 - Zhambyl oblast

ZHAMBYL OBLAST.  December 11. KAZINFORM  /Galina Skripnik/ KZT 8.5 bln are envisaged for implementation of the Road Map Program in Zhambyl oblast in 2010, the regional Akimat informs. 8, 489 jobs are planned to be created due to work on 207 projects.

Thus, 33 facilities of housing and utilities will be repaired under the Program. KZT 2.9 bln will be allocated for this, 2, 117 people will be employed.

Local roads will also be in spotlight of the program. Their repair, reconstruction and building will cost around KZT 2.5 bln. 2, 294 people will be involved in it.

Over 30 facilities of education, 9 projects of healthcare will be repaired. The Road Map also provides for reconstruction of six sports facilities and two centers of culture. Over KZT  2 bln will be spend for these aims. Over 2, 000 people will be provided with jobs.

Financing of 52 priority projects in social sphere in the towns and other settlements provide for over KZT 1 bln and employment of 1, 261 people.

Realization of Youth Procurement Program for 2010 will allow to create 4,000 social jobs.

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