Lady Gaga to Medvedev: "Thank you!"

MOSCOW. December 8. KAZINFORM American pop diva Lady Gaga expressed her gratitude to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for what she perceives to be his lack of support for legislation barring "homosexual propaganda" in Russia.

"Thank You Prime Minister Medvedev for not standing by your party's anti gay propaganda law & instead supporting my show+fans all over Russia," she said via her Twitter feed early on Saturday, ahead of a scheduled performance in St. Petersburg, Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.

Medvedev told journalists during a live televised interview on Friday that he sees no need for legislative regulation of homosexuality in Russia, a controversial issue that has attracted jeers from critics who have blasted recently passed anti-gay laws in several Russian regions.

"Not all moral issues, not all behavioral patterns, not all issues of communication between people need to be regulated by law," he said.

Medvedev's comments arrive two weeks before the State Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament, will consider a federal draft bill banning "homosexual propaganda."

Several Russian regions, including St. Petersburg, have already passed such a law, which is aimed at protecting children from what lawmakers claim is the danger of gay "propaganda."

Lady Gaga, known for her extravagance and eccentric performances, is also an outspoken advocate of gay rights.


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