14:29, 21 April 2009 | GMT +5
Legal framework of single economic space for EurAsEC discussed in Moscow
ASTANA. April 21. KAZINFORM Minister of Transport and Communications Abelgazy Kussainov is participating in a meeting of First Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Umirzak Shukeyev with his Russian counterpart Igor Shuvalov in Moscow. Issues of formation of the Customs Union within the EurAsEC are on the agenda of the meeting, the press service of the Ministry informs.

A. Kussainov is expected to meet with Russian Minister of Transport Igor Levitin to discuss the questions concerning a draft agreement on regulation of access to natural monopolies? services in railway transport including the bases of tariff policy.
The agreement will determine the primary basis of public regulation of the access to the railway transport services related to natural monopolies, and single principles of non-discriminative access to the services of natural monopolies in order to equalize the tariffs of the EurAsEC countries and the main principles on establishment of a single base in the regulation of duties for goods transportation.