Legislative framework must meet all ecological standards: K.Massimov

ASTANA. January 30. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov took thefloor at the enlarged session of the Kazakh Ministry of Environment Protection, Kazinform reports.
The Head of the Government noted that it is necessary to make tough demands on users of natural resources. ?Our regulatory base should meet all highest ecological standards?, K.Massimov said. He noted that it should be the main demand that must be made to attract foreign investors, especially in the development of natural resources. The Prime Minster said that ecological standards compliance in many countries depends on the legislative base, noting that large foreign companies must conduct the work in Kazakhstan the way they do it at home. He noted that well-formed regulatory framework in the environmental use forces industry adjust to the law.
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