18:55, 18 February 2014 | GMT +5
Library for blind people catches fire in Karaganda
KARAGANDA. KAZINFORM - In Karaganda the regional library for the blind and visually impaired persons has caught fire due to low-quality repair of electrical wiring, according to the head of the department of culture, archives and documents of the Karaganda region Erkebulan Agimbayev.

E. Agimbaev said that they will file a lawsuit against the individual entrepreneur responsible for the repair works of the library's building. The budget has allocated KZT 26 million to renovate the library.
As it was previously reported, on January 29 in Karaganda the Regional Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired persons caught fire. Fire area was 300 square meters. There were no victims. Meanwhile, the fire had destroyed expensive equipment of blind and impaired which had no analogues in the region.