Majilis and maslikhat elections in Kazakhstan: CIS observation mission begins work
Speaking at a briefing Deputy CIS Secretary-General Leonid Anfimov said that it is the 17th election observation mission in Kazakhstan and 120th in the CIS countries.
Anfimov went on to say that the mission will include representatives of the CIS member States, CIS observation groups of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, CSTO PA, Belarus-Russia Union PA, and CIS Executive Committee.
He announced that the headquarters of the CIS election observation mission, which includes around 200 people, began its work today in the Kazakh capital.
According to him, meetings at the political parties' campaign headquarters, with deputy candidates, and visits to the election commissions of all levels are planned.
Earlier it was reported that up to 12 million people are eligible to vote in the early elections to the Majilis of parliament and maslikhats in Kazakhstan.