17:24, 04 May 2009 | GMT +5
Majilis Bureau surveys law making process in committees
ASTANA. May 4. KAZINFORM Speaker of the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament Ural Mukhamedzhanov has chaired a session of the Chamber?s Bureau today.

The Speaker heard a report of the Committee for Economic Reforms and Regional Development on amendments to the bill ?On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on housing and utilities? made by the Senate of the Parliament.
The Committee also reported on the progress in adopting the bill ?On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on activity of commerce and industry chambers?.
The Committee for International Affairs, Defense and Security reported on preparation for the second reading of the bill ?On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on military servants' responsibility?.
The Bureau's recommendations will be taken into consideration while forming of the agenda of the Chamber's plenary session.