Majilis ratifies agrt on international freight transportation within OTS

Majilis, OTS, agreement, freight transportation,
Photo credit: Viktor Fedyunin/Kazinform

Majilis deputies passed today the law “On ratification of the Agreement on international combined freight transportations between the governments of the Organization of Turkic States member countries,” Kazinform News Agency reports.

“This Agreement facilitates international cargo transportations with the use of various types of transport, and to develop trade-economic relations between the OTS member states,” Marat Karabayev, Minister of Transport of Kazakhstan, said presenting the document.

He said that in 2023, the volume of freight transportations between Kazakhstan and OTS member countries made 40 million tons, which is 15% more against 2022 (31 million tons).

The ratification of the Agreement will contribute to further increase in the volume of freight transit through Kazakhstan which will positively impact development of the country’s transport and transit potential, Karabayev said adding that a joint committee for the development of transportation between the OTS states would be set up.

In general, the adoption of the law does not entail any negative, socio-economic, legal and (or) other consequences as well as financial costs from the national budget.

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