Malcolm Johnson on 5G introduction

ALMATY. KAZINFORM Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union Malcolm Johnson shared his thoughts on the introduction of 5G at the international forum themed Digital Agenda in the Era of Globalization which is underway in Almaty, Kazinform correspondent reports.

"Indeed, 5G will drastically change the landscape. Changes are needed as far as the Internet of things is concerned. It is estimated that 50 billion devices will have been connected by 2020. This refers to cameras, sensors, drives... Anything that can benefit from the Internet connection will be connected in the future. Setting out the performance requirements for 5G, we also need to include the so-called requirement for higher interconnectivity, lower latency, higher bandwidth, security, and protection of private information. Some of the requirements compete with each other," said Malcolm Johnson.

The ITU developes the performance requirements and allocates frequency spectrum  According to him, it will be frequencies above 24 Hz. It is noteworthy that ITU conference dedicated the Spectrum Allocation Agreement will be held next year.

Malcolm Johnson concluded that it is imperative that all issues are globally discussed. Because 5G must meet the common requirements, operating in all countries equally. The EAEU Member States are more economically-linked and should have interaction across the boundaries in the frequency spectrum agreed. He said the stakeholders should support such active discussion and that he sees the development that has taken place in Kazakhstan within 3-4 years," 


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