Mali PM Cheik Mobido Diarra arrested by army

A military spokesman told the BBC Cheik Mobido Diarra was suspected of trying to jeopardise planned political dialogue over moves towards democracy.
The arrest was reportedly ordered by March's coup leader Capt Amadou Sanogo.
According to BBC, tensions between the soldiers who led the coup and the civilian prime minister they were forced to appoint have been mounting over recent weeks.
"He wanted to leave the country having incited trouble," Bakary Mariko, a spokesman for the group of soldiers, told Reuters.
A member of the president's entourage confirmed that the prime minister had been arrested, AFP reports.
The source said soldiers had: "smashed in the door of the prime minister's residence and took him away a bit violently".
"They said Captain Sanogo sent them to arrest him," he added.
AFP said the prime minister had been due to have a medical check up in France.
Mr Diarra has been leading an interim government of national unity.
It was formed in August in an attempt to restore stability following the coup, which allowed Islamists and Tuareg separatists to seize the entire northern half of the country.
The 60-year-old astrophysicist and premier supports plans to send a west African intervention force into the occupied territory to drive out the extremists.
The United Nations warned on Monday that the north of the country is now "one of the potentially most explosive corners of the world".