Mami: Supreme Court prepared its vision of redistributing of powers reforms
"The initial proposals will be submitted to the Executive Office before the end of the week. And the Supreme Court introduced its vision of the forthcoming reform. We presented our approaches, first of all, to the judicial system and legal proceedings as well as to the relations with the Government, Parliament, law enforcement and other agencies. We have suggested measures for further improvement of legislation in the framework of implementing the Plan of the Nation and recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development", said Kairat Mami.
According to him, the creation of the international financial center has raised questions regarding the applicable law in the Republic of Kazakhstan. "We also intend to initiate strengthening of constitutional guarantees of judicial independence. And the proposed measures on legislative redistribution of powers require a broad discussion", said Mami
The working group on redistribution of powers was created on Januay 11 by the order of President Nazarbayev. It is chaired by Head of the Presidential Executive Office and includes MPs, representatives of the Government, Supreme Court and other official structures as well as members of the country's legal and scientific communities. Nursultan Nazarbayev suggested revising the President, Parliament and Government's powers on December 15 at the solemn meeting marking the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence.