14:58, 19 December 2009 | GMT +5
Massimov visits West Kazakhstan Machine-Building Company
sp;WEST KAZAKHSTAN REGION. December 19. KAZINFORM. /Kanat Kulshmanov/ Kazakh Prime Minister K. Massimov has visited West Kazakhstan Machine-Building Company JSC today.

He got familiarized with the activity of several enterprises including "Uralskagroremmash" JSC, "Uralsk plant Zenit" JSC and Kazakhstan Engineering JSC.
The technologies of repair of turbine rotors of low and high pressure, recovery of turbine clips, repair of combustion chambers and gas-bearing units are applied at these enterprises. The Company plans to start production of pumping units and gas turbine power stations having no analogues in Kazakhstan.
West Kazakhstan Machine-Building Company JSC was founded in 2003 on the basis of the Uralsk plant "Mettalist".