MAULEN BALAKAYULY BALAKAYEV(1907-1995), Turkish studies scholar, Doctor of Philology, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Science of Kazakhstan, Laureate of Sh. Ualikhanov?s Award (for the monograph ?Kazakh literary language and its norms?). He is a participator of the Great Patriotic War.
He was born in South-Kazakhstan region, graduated from Shymkent Pedagogical Technical College, Kazakh Pedagogical Institute (modern Kazakh Abai National Pedagogical University), and postgraduate courses of Leningrad State University. M. Balakayev was Head of Department of the Kazakh Communist Institute of Journalism in the years1937-1941, Senior Teacher of Kazakh State University (modern AL-Farabi Kazakh National University) in 1941-1942, Scientific Secretary of the State Terminology Commission in 1946-1963, Head of the Department in KazSU (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University) in 1952-1975. He was the Head of Department in 1945-1959, in 1975-1987 and from 1987 he worked as a scientific advisor to the Kazakhstan?s Academy of Science. M. Balakayev's scientific works are devoted to the issues of Kazakh language development and language research of fiction literature ? grammar, orthography, terminology, language culture and stylistics. He took an active part in the development of topical issues of Kazakh Linguistics, in the writing of textbooks for schools and universities. He is an author of over 200 scientific works and 15 monographs in particular, ?Orthographical Vocabulary?, ?Modern Kazakh Language?, ?Stylistics of Kazakh Language? and others. Many fundamental research works in the sphere of word-combinations and culture of Kazakh speech are connected with M. Balakayev?s name. The books ?Principal Types of Word-combinations in Kazakh language?, ?Issues on Culture of Kazakh Speech? including ?Kazakh Literary Language and Its Norms? had a peculiar popularity. He was one of the first in turkological science that studied such issues as syntax of simple sentence, word-combination and culture of speech. In 2007 a series of stamps devoted to the 100 anniversary of the scholar appeared in Kazakhstan. A school in Turkistan town is named after M. Balakayev.
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