Meaning and essence of acme society

ASTANA. May 6. KAZINFORM. Our society lacks the notion of acme society in its full sense. Thomas More had created an imaginary society – utopia - a dream of mankind. Analyzing traditional, capitalist, socialist, post-industrial and information societies, I am trying to delineate the structure, system, principles and values which could form the basis of the acme society.
Harmony of man and nature, traditional culture, traditional values and traditional world image underlie the Traditional society. Hence the tradition principle should be adopted and transformed into the acme society. The millennial experience has showed one shortcoming of the traditional society ? dictatorship; a human being was not allowed freedom of choice, and an initiative was restricted. In the history of mankind Capitalism was the beginning of the New Time when man felt the freedom of search, actions and creativity. Religion was dissociated from the state, especially in Western Europe. There came new opportunities, knowledge, science and technology having become foreground. Entrepreneurial spirit and initiative allowed people to open new lands and derive profit. Human relations replaced the relations between human beings and nature. One man used another to make wealth. Entrepreneurial spirit and efficiency are perfect value developed by capitalism, which can be a component of acme society next to traditions. Socialism came from the depths of capitalism through revolution. It paid special attention to socially oriented policy and liquidation of illiteracy. Universal literacy of the population was the main achievement that we inherited from Socialism. American scientist Daniel Bell speaks about Post-Industrial society in his book ?The Coming of Post-Industrial Society?, and views it as a game among people meaning that new technologies will be created on an intellectual level. The main objective of the Post-Industrial society is to preserve all kinds and forms of science. The physical human power will no longer be in demand in Post-Industrial society for it will be replaced by Information. Thus, it is the quality of life that goes first in the Post-Industrial society, not the quantity of goods or the level of living like it was in the industrial society. Therefore, knowledge and information are those values that we can take from the Post-industrial society to build the acme society. Information society is a phenomenon that is based on theoretical concepts of post-industrial society. It was a conference of the national scientific fund when the Information society was proclaimed by Bill Clinton and Al Gore. On March 27, 2006 the UN General Assembly announced May 17 international day of information society. Information society is not a society within the borders of one country, for it is a global phenomenon which cannot be defined by state boundaries; this proves that the Information society shares knowledge, but the point is in the quality of this knowledge. Good quality of knowledge guarantees good knowledge. In 1991 the people of Kazakhstan entered a new era. 18 years is quite a short period for the conscience to renew itself totally. However, the new generation is growing and will live in the new society that we dream about ? the acme society. Now there is a question: what kind of society have we lived in? It was a traditional socialist or post-industrial society. It is clear that our society was built on market relations. We have to find out the forms of these relations and it requires in-depth research. Analysts are prone to call it transit society and they might be correct. We are living in a new society going along the road chosen by Nursultan Nazarbayev and we have a reason to believe it is an acme society. Thus, the essence of the acme society is traditions borrowed from the Traditional society, enterpreneural spirit and technologies of Capitalism, civilized methods of the Post-Industrial society, and good knowledge of the Information society. Acme society is our dream and hope. The problems of the acme society find solutions in nowadays life. For instance, the 2030 strategic program of the President sets forth the objectives in this direction. There are reasons to consider Kazakhstan?s present society to be an acme society going through the stages of growth and perfection. Garifolla Yessim Academician, Deputy of the Senate of Kazakhstan Parliament
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