Measles cases surging in N Kazakhstan

Photo credit: Astana akimat's press service

370 measles were recorded in North Kazakhstan at large, of which 129 since the beginning of the year, Kazinform News Agency reports.

More than half of them are persons aged 15 years old and above. 157 cases were detected in children under 14 years, deputy head of the sanitary and epidemiological control department of the region Arman Kushbasov said.

Measles can be serious and lead to severe complications such as ear infections, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, blindness, diarrhea and encephalitis. Children under the age of 5 years old and adults above 30 years old are at higher risk of complications.

As of today, nine kids and a pregnant woman are staying at the hospital. 181 measles cases were rolled out in the region, including 113 children’s beds.

The highest number of measles cases was reported in Petropavlovsk with 304 cases.

19,500 people were administered the measles vaccine as part of the additional vaccination campaign.

 95 mobile vaccination brigades are working in the region.

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