Measles situation remains stable in Akmola region

Measles situation remains  stable in Akmola region
Photo credit: Mukhtor Kholdorbekov/ Kazinform

The situation on measles remains stable in Akmola region, Kazinform News Agency reports.

The region continues immunizing children against the infection.

In general, as the deputy chief of the sanitary-epidemiological department Serik Omarkhanov said, the region observes some decline in infection incidence rate.

57 new cases were registered last week which is 10.9% less than in the previous week, when 64 cases were detected, he said.

Additional immunization of children is ongoing in the region.

We have already immunized 77% of children. The immunization of children aged from 6 to 10 months is also carried out. As for adults, only teens under 18 years are eligible for catch-up immunization, Omarkhanov added.

In January, the number of infected people in the region reached 229.

391 out of the total number of measles patients (691), 391 were not vaccinated, while 141 had unknown immunization status.

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