Medvedev signs law on ratification of agreement on CIS powerlines use
The Agreement was signed in Yalta on November 20, 2009. It is aimed at determining the conditions and provision of regulatory framework for reliable and efficient operation of interstate power transmission lines of the national electrical grids of the states - signatories to the Agreement, Itar-Tass reports.
According to the Agreement, its signatories shall create favourable conditions for commercial entities for servicing interstate power transmission lines, and such entities shall have the right to conclude contracts for servicing interstate power transmission lines, including their maintenance and repair.
In addition, the Parties to the Agreement give the servicing brigades the right to cross the national borders in a simplified order, as well as ensure unimpeded temporary admission to the territory and re-exportation from the territory of states - parties to the Agreement, as well as the customs clearance of the vehicles, special machinery, equipment, supplies, tools and materials needed for the maintenance and repair of interstate power transmission lines in a simplified form and as a matter of priority.
The Agreement is subject to ratification in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law "On International Treaties of the Russian Federation," because it contains rules other than those stipulated by Russian legislation.