Meeting of G20 sherpas opening in RF capital

The sherpa name is derived from the Sherpa people, a Nepalese ethnic group, who serve as guides and porters in the Himalayas, a reference to the fact that the sherpa clears the way for a head of state at a major summit. In the political lexicon, the term is used for the emissaries of the G20 leaders that are involved in the planning and preparation of summit-level meetings, coordinate the agenda, prepare draft declarations and other related documents for the leaders.
Russia's sherpa - presidential envoy for the affairs of the G20 leading industrial countries and relations with their leaders is head of the Presidential Experts' Directorate Ksenia Yudayeva.
The current meeting in Moscow is called Civil 20, as the main topic of discussion will be "G20 Civil Society Vision for the Russian Presidency."
Among the issues that will attract special attention are - the civil society expectation from the Russian G20 Presidency, ways and forms of civil society integration in processes taking place within the G20 framework, assessments of the effectiveness of decisions of the G20 countries' leaders for their populations and the world community in general.
The main purpose of Civil 20 is the organisation and maintenance of a productive dialogue within the framework of the global civil society with the participation of politicians and decision-makers on the basis of the priorities stated in the official agenda of the Russian presidency.
Published by Itar-Tass
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