MFA urges Kazakhstanis to make sure of safety of their tours abroad

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Today, at a briefing in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, official spokesperson Aibek Smadiyarov informed mass media about the course of investigation into the fatal road accident in Türkiye involving Kazakhstani residents, Kazinform reports.

«The investigation is underway. Our Consul is in a constant contact with the local law enforcement agencies and with the attorneys of the victims,» Smadiyarov said.

He also recommended Kazakhstanis vacationing in Türkiye to check the safety of their tours.

«I would like to recommend our nationals vacationing in Türkiye and other countries to check safety of any excursions and strictly observe rules of this country. Your safety is in your hands,» he added.

On July 30 a minibus carrying 12 citizens of Kazakhstan smashed into a truck in Alanya. Two of them were in moderately severe condition. They were operated on. The condition of other 10 Kazakhstanis, including four kids, was estimated as satisfactory. On July 31 one of the Kazakh tourists (49-year-old man from Mangistau) died. Another tourist, woman, died on August 3.

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