Minister Abayev told about combating the cult of violence in media
"In 2016 owners and management of Internet resources received about 500 letters of notification about more than 150 thousand materials. As a result, owners removed more than 110 thousand illegal materials containing signs of propaganda of terrorism and religious extremism, the cult of violence, cruelty and suicide", said the Minister of Information and Communications of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev.
He also noted that orders were issued in respect to more than 31 thousand materials, of which 26 thousand contained propaganda of the cult of violence, cruelty, suicide and more. The judicial authorities filed 17 lawsuits against 164 links and Internet resources on which relevant decisions were made.
"Ministry is permanently monitoring information field for compliance with the requirements of the law, and this is especially true in recent times. The volume of illegal content took an unprecedented scale, and its destructive impact on our citizens, especially children and adolescents should not be underestimated. You know it. In the fight against illegal content Ministry closely cooperates with leading foreign social media and search services. The work will continue", said Mr. Abayev.