Minister Abdykalikova: Kazakhstan population social support system being improved

ANA. December 11. KAZINFORM. /Serik Sabekov/ According to the President's instruction, all the questions received during the hotline with President Nazarbayev which count more than 40,000 were forwarded to the government offices for analysis and solution. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection is responsible for the issues of social sphere such as employment, pensions and allowances. Kazakh Minister of Labor and Social Protection Gulshara Abdykalikova answered several questions in an interview to Kazinform.

The community is interested in the measures the Government is going to take to improve the demographic situation and support families with children in 2010?

 To improve the demographic situation and support families with children there was developed a draft law "On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of social support to specific categories of citizens" that from January 1, 2010 provides:

  • - increase in size of a one-time subsidy for the birth of fourth and every next child from 30 to 50 monthly calculation indices. The size of the allowance will be KZT 70,650;
  • - increase in size of a monthly subsidy for care of a child under 1 year;
  • - introduction of a subsidy in the amount of the minimum wage (KZT 14,952) to persons raising children with disabilities.

 Compared to Russia the demographic situation in Kazakhstan is much aggravated. The size of maternity capital in the Russian Federation is hundreds times more than in Kazakhstan. Is our country planning to increase it?

  The measures of state support in Russia are mostly aimed at encouraging families to have a second child and more.

In this context Kazakhstan develops a complex system of social support. The Law "On state allowances to families with children" envisages three types of subsidies. Besides, from January 2008 the system of social insurance was supplemented with two additional social risks for working women being the participants of social insurance. Child allowances from both the republican budget and State Fund of Social Insurance are paid every month.

 Is any increase of pensions envisaged in 2010?

  In 2010 all state obligations on increase in social payments will be maintained in full. As was planned, from January 1, 2010 it is foreseen pension payments increase by 25 percent. There will be implemented indexation at 1.25 of minimum, medium and maximum pensions. The basic pension payment will also increase and make up KZT 5.981. Taking into account the basic pension payment, minimum pensions will make up KZT 18.325, medium - KZT 27.481 and maximum - KZT 40.001.  

 Many repatriates are interested in the issue of provision of housing and social support. What can you tell about this?

 The state ensures payment of special public reliefs, disability grants, survivor benefits and retirement pensions, entering the secondary vocational and higher education establishments according to the Kazakh Government's quota, giving time from service in the Armed Forces for persons having the status of repatriate.

 There are foreseen next additional benefits and compensations for repatriates included in the immigration quota as against repatriate arrived without quota: allocation of funds for acquisition of residential space at the place of arrival - 100-fold minimum calculation index per every member of family, lump-sum benefits payment - 15-fold minimum calculation index per householder and 10-fold minimum calculation index per every member of family, transportation charges payment - 10-fold minimum calculation index per every member of family, luggage transportation payment - 50-fold minimum calculation index per family.

 All repatriates ensured by availability of guaranteed medical service, education and public relief, and they are also assigned to one of the target groups.  

 The Nurly Kosh program foresees rational resettlement, public relief and housing to repatriates. Within the framework of the Nutly Kosh program it is suggested to provide repatriates with residential space by allocation of concessional loan at 4.5 percent per annum through House Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

  What is done at present and what is planned in the issues regarding support of people with disabilities?

  Kazakhstan implements a number of laws directed to people with disabilities. Individual program of rehabilitation, which consists of medical, social and professional parts, is developed for every invalid. In accordance with the individual programs the invalids are provided with wheelchairs, prosthetic and orthopedic appliances, equipments for blind and deaf, health aids, health resort treatment, personal assistant services and sign language specialist. 

 The UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol to it was signed in Kazakhstan in 2008. The Convention covers all key sectors of the life of persons with disabilities. A working group on development of the National Action Plan on provision of the rights and improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities was established. Representatives of central and local state bodies, non-governmental and international organizations are members of the workgroup.

According to the Law, special social services are provided to people, including persons with disabilities, in difficult living conditions. The Standard of rendering of special social services in the field of social protection developed for children with psycho-neurological pathologies were introduced. The Standard defines the quality, volume and conditions of rendering of special social services. The realization of the Standard is planned in the state, private and non-governmental sectors.

Payment of state social disability allowances and special state allowances to persons with disabilities is provided as well.      

  Will the world recession affect the pension savings? Many depositors are worried about decrease of pension savings?     

  To date there is no reason for worry about decrease of the pension savings due to the crisis. The investment policy of the pension savings funds is designed for a long-term perspective and decrease of the investment income during the current period will be compensated in the future within the improvement of state in the Kazakh and world economies and stabilization of the situation at the world financial market.

 Many of questions addressed to the President concern the employment of young specialists. Many graduates can't get a job as long as many employers require work experience. What can be done in such situations?

    They need to address local Employment and social programs department where they will be assisted in choosing suitable work and given employment assignment, including the youth practice. The main purpose of the practice is to gain work experience, knowledge and skills and increase of competitive ability at the labor market.

  Does the labor legislation cover private enterprises in the part of retirement payment due to dismissal?

  The labor legislation covers everyone, independently of the types of ownership, in case they function at the territory of Kazakhstan. Persons violating the labor legislation must bear responsibility in accordance with the laws of Kazakhstan. 





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