Minister Birtanov: Investments in healthcare sector increased 3fold

According to him, 52% of suppliers in the system of statutory free medical assistance are private healthcare facilities. «We have implemented corporate management system in all healthcare organizations. To date, 100% of state-owned enterprises enjoy an economic freedom using financial resources related to the wages of personnel and the structure of their services. There is no more strict state control. 88% of these enterprises have set up supervisory boards. Among their members are the representatives of the public, business, economy and law,» Birtanov said.
«Compared to 2016, by the end of this year the volume of investments in healthcare sector will increase threefold. The share of private investments rose twofold. To date, the share of private investments in healthcare sector comprises 40% or 60bn tenge, which proves that private sector is interested in long-term investing and in development of healthcare services. In turn, it will enable us to save budgetary funds and attract an effective private management,» the Minister added.