Minister of Economy meets Head of IMF Mission in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. January 14. KAZINFORM Today Minister of Economy and Budget Planning Bakhyt Sultanov has had a meeting with the representatives of the mission of the International Monetary Fund, Kazinform has learnt from the Ministry?s press service.
At the meeting the Head of the Ministry briefed about the current macro-economic and financial situation in Kazakhstan, familiarized the IMF reps with the Government?s anti-crisis plan, in particular on support of different sectors of economy, sources of financing. ?As a result of the taken anti-recessionary measures we managed to lower negative impact of the world crisis on Kazakhstan?s economy. According to preliminary estimation GDP growth in 2008 is to make 3%?, the Minister said. The measures on foreign debt reorganization taken by Kazakhstan as well as economic forecast of the Government and possible scenarios of oil prices fall were discussed. According to the Minister in 2009 the Government forecasts average economic growth rate at 1-3%. Head of the IMF mission in Kazakhstan (Middle East and Central Asia department) Timothy Callen noted that the IMF had similar viewpoint on the prospects of Kazakhstan?s development in 2009 as the Government.
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