14:32, 01 May 2009 | GMT +5
Minister of Education, RK Ambassador met with heads of European Council in Strasbourg
BRUSSELS. May 1. KAZINFORM /Yerzhan Ospanov/ Kazakh Minister of Education and Science Zhansseit Tuimebayev and Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Belgium Yerik Utembayev have held a number of meetings with the heads of general directorates of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, Kazinform has learnt from the press service of the Kazakh Embassy in Belgium.

In particular, meetings with Director General of Judicial Assistance and International Treaties of the EC Manuel Lezertua, Director General of Democracy and Political Affairs Jean-Louis Laurens, Director General of Education and Languages Gabriel Mazza and Director General of Culture and Natural Heritage Robert Palmer were held
Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the global educational process, accession of our country to the European Cultural Convention were on the agenda of the meetings.
The Minister told in details about the measures taken by Astana for realization of educational and scientific projects and integration of Kazakhstan?s educational system into the world space. In particular, he informed of the course of realization of the state educational programs for 2005-2010, technical and vocational education for 2008-2010, science for 2007-2012.
According to the UNESCO Statistics Institute Kazakhstan ranked the 129th in 2009 on the index of education development, Z. Tuimebayev said. ?We left behind Japan, Germany, Norway and Great Britain?, he added.
In turn, Director General of Democracy and Political Affairs Jean-Louis Laurens said that the decision of Kazakhstan?s accession to the European Cultural Convention would depend on political will of the European council members and should be adopted unanimously by all 47 member countries.
Director General of Culture and Natural Heritage Robert Palmer noted the process of joining the Convention would be quite long and probably, the assignment of official invitation for Kazakhstan would be sent by 2009 only.
According to Director General of Judicial Assistance and International Treaties of the EC Manuel Lezertua said signing the European Cultural Convention is considered as the first step towards possible accession to the Council of Europe.