Ministry of Agriculture arranges free educational workshops all around Kazakhstan

It is noted that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" will execute it. For this purpose the Chamber has created Agrocompetence Center in June of this year. According to the director of the center Toleutay Rakhimbekov, the main problem of farmers is lack of information, reports.
"We plan to conduct 660 workshops across Kazakhstan and cover about 10 thousand farmers. The workshops will be held on 25 priority areas identified by the Ministry of Agriculture. 13 in animal husbandry: horse breeding, pig, poultry, sheep, etc., 12 in crop production: oilseeds, cereals, fruit, vegetables, etc. One of the main problems is lack of information. Not all farmers are specialists in agriculture. And if we want to be competitive, our farmers should be aware of all the innovations," T.Rakhimbekov said.
In addition, according to him, the program involves 25 foreign experts. They will share the workshop methodology, communicative capabilities with Kazakhstani lecturers.
"Until November we plan to involve all areas of Kazakhstan. Our goal is not just to train 10 thousand farmers and forget about them, but also to give them modern solutions, innovative technologies, appliance of which will increase efficiency of their business. The state allocated about one billion tenge for this large-scale program," T.Rakhimbekov noted.
It should be noted, in order to support our agricultural producers and advise them 24 hours and 7 days a week, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" develops web portal, where there will be different options available for the convenience of farmers. All training programs will be available online for those who will not able take part in the workshops.