Minsk marks Kazakhstan Independence Day

Heads of the Belarusian MFA, representatives of the state bodies, heads of the diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Minsk, representatives of the Belarusian business, scientific and analytic circles, the Kazakh Diaspora, veterans, mass media and Kazakh students, who study in Belarus, were i9nvited to the reception.
Kazakh Ambassador to Belarus Anatoly Smirnov informed the guests of success in the social-economic and political development of the country, significant progress in development of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Belarus. The guests were acquainted with the international initiatives and activities held in 2009.
The guests emphasized activation of the Kazakh-Belarusian relations. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev's visit to Belarus in November, 2009 was highly appraised. Our country's achievements in the social-economic development, foreign policy were also noted. The participants paid special attention to the upcoming chairmanship of Kazakhstan in the OSCE in 2010.
There was organized a photo exhibition "Modern Kazakhstan", which represented our country as dynamically developing state in all spheres.