Minsk to raise $950m in FDI in 2013

More than 55% of FDI will be raised through investment projects financed by foreign investors. About $380 million is to be injected in the banking sector and $50 million will reinvested by foreign companies.
The Minsk City Hall plans to conclude at least 100 investment agreements, offer at least 200 land plots to investors (including 20 land plots to set up production facilities), sell state-run property and land plots at auctions. "This will allow setting up at least 1,300 companies with foreign capital, including at least 60 manufacturing companies," Anton Krayevsky said.
The Minsk City Hall has drafted a regulation on investment projects that should be offered via open tenders. By 23 December the local authorities should prepare a document on the tenders to choose investors for comprehensive territory development and to select companies to construct non-luxury housing. The document will simplify procedures of selling property. The local authorities will give access to the single state registry of real estate in a bid to facilitate the work of the Investments Advisory Board.