Mongolia to boost coal export with launch of automated container terminals

Photo credit: MONTSAME

By resolution No. 349 of the Government of Mongolia, an Automated Container Terminal with a capacity to export 10 million tons of coal per year has been constructed at the Gashuunsukhait border port of Umnugobi aimag, with an investment of USD 92 million, MONTSAME reports.

More than 160 Mongolian enterprises and 1,200 engineers and technicians from the Mongolian Armed Forces' Civil Engineering Units, with 360 equipment, took part in the construction of the Terminal, which became operational in November 2023. It marked a significant milestone in Mongolia's advancement of multimodal transportation, elevating cross-border transportation to a new level.

Moreover, an automated container terminal has beenput into operation at the Shiveekhuren border checkpoint. Shiveekhuren Terminal LLC, comprised of eight enterprises engaged in coal mining from the Nariinsukhait deposit constructed this automated container terminal. Upon completion of the planned work, the Shiveekhuren checkpoint's capacity will increase fourfold, enabling the annual export of 40 million tons of coal.

The Mongolian Government's 'New Revival Policy' reflected the construction of a new railway network in the Artssuur-Nariinsukhait-Shiveekhuren direction, as well as the construction of a cargo terminal to boost the capacity of the Shiveekhuren checkpoint.

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