MONKE BI TLEUULY, MONKE BI NOGAILY, MONKE BI SHEKTI (near 1675- date of death unknown) – a famous bi, one of the advisors to Abulkhair khan, outstanding orator, visionary, who predicted the future on the patterns of his time development.
He was born in Aktobe oblast. Monke bi was not only a famous cultural and public figure, thinker, he was also known for his gift of prediction, for this he is sometimes called the Kazakh Nostradamus. A word picture of Monke bi is opened in the works of Z.Aimauytov, A.Kekilbayev. Life and creative heritage of Monke bi were studied by A.Zhubanov, T.Kakishev, S.Negimov, B.Adambayev, B.Omaruly, Z.Assanov and others. The street in Aktobe and village in the Shalkar district are named after Monke bi. Reference: Kazakhstan, National encyclopedia, vol.4
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