Monti to lead Italy’s centrist coalition

ROME. December 29. KAZINFORM Mario Monti, the outgoing Italian prime minister, said on Friday he would lead a coalition of center parties in a parliamentary election in February, media reported.

After four hours of negotiations with centrist politicians, Monti said he would like to be "named leader of the coalition," British broadcaster BBC reported.

Monti announced his intention to resign on December 8,  several days after Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom party made it clear they would no longer support the technocrat government that formed following Berlusconi's resignation in November 2011.

In the days that followed, Berlusconi launched repeated attacks on Monti's policies, accusing him of damaging the country's economy and even of implementing policies that benefit third countries, such as Germany.

Monti resigned on December 21, claiming that he was keeping his word - stepping down once parliament had passed his controversial austerity budget.

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday dissolved parliament - the latest development in the country's ongoing political crisis.

Parliamentary elections are to be held on February 24-25, 2013. Berlusconi has already announced his intention to take part.

Source: RIA Novosti

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