More than half of mothers in Kazakhstan give up breast feeding
Analysis shows that almost 22% of children from developed countries are not breastfed though human milk saves lives, protects from lethal diseases and contributes to good academic achievements and mental development. In developing and poor countries the breastfeeding index reaches only 4%.
Since 2006 Kazakhstan has been witnessing increase of breastfeeding indices from 16.8% to 37.8% in 2015.
Absence of early breastfeeding leads to respiratory diseases, hyperthermia, diarrhea and infectious diseases. Breastfeeding during the first hour after birth, skin-to-skin contact of the infant and mother and correct nutrition may prevent infant death. 83.3% of Kazakhstani women breastfed their infants in the first hour of their lives in 2015 against 64.2% in 2006, and 67.8% in 2011, correspondingly.
There are several reasons why women stop breastfeeding in Kazakhstan. One of them is incompetent consulting of mothers and pregnant women. Besides, incorrect breastfeeding attachment leads to pain feelings during or after nursing. Another reason is a promulgation of feeding formulas by pharmaceutical corporations and incomprehension of breastfeeding importance for baby's growth and development.