Mountain peak named in honor of UN in Kyrgyzstan

Photo: Kazinform

 One of the mountain peaks in Kyrgyzstan named after the UN, Kabar reports. 

This became known at the meeting of President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov with Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres in the city of Cholpon-Ata.

According to data of the Kyrgyz President, there are 159 peaks and 9,959 glaciers in Kyrgyzstan. Over the past 50 years, the amount of glaciers has decreased to 1,262 square kilometers. "As a tribute to the UN, for great attention to the problems of glaciers, as well as for all actions aimed at preserving peace and ensuring security around the world, we want to name one of the highest peaks in honor of the UN. I signed the decree," Zhaparov said.

The peak is located on the Sary-Jaz mountain near the Yuzhny Enilchek glacier in Cholpon-Ate. The height of the peak is 5,576 meters.

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