Mudslides sweep through homes and social facilities in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan

Photo credit: Kyrgyz Emergencies Ministry

Heavy downpours in Issuk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan triggered mudflows that swept through 497 homes, a kindergarten, a library, a first-aid station and recreational centres, a correspondent of Kazinform News Agency reports.

Photo credit: Kyrgyz Emergencies Ministry

738 personnel and 59 units of equipment are deployed in relief efforts in the Sadyr Ake of Issuk-Jul district. 60 homes were cleaned from mud, dirt and debris so far.

Photo credit: Kyrgyz Emergencies Ministry

Bulan Sogottu, Korumdu and Temir villages in Issyk-Kul region and recreational centers including Issuk-Kul Avrora, Avrora+, Neptun, Simiram, and Karven 4 seasons were also flooded and damaged.

Photo credit: Kyrgyz Emergencies Ministry

The Kyrgyz Emergencies Ministry personnel, civil protection service and locals are deployed to support mudslide relief efforts.

As earlier reported, mudflows disrupted traffic on several roads in Issuk-Kul region.

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