11:42, 04 January 2020 | GMT +5
N Kazakhstan to channel KZT 2.5 bln for medical equipment
PETROPAVLOVSK. KAZINFORM In 2020 North Kazakhstan region will spend KZT 2.5 bln for medical equipment, Kazinform reports.

Last year the regional health facilities acquired equipment worth KZT 4 bln. Currently the region has a digital mammography machine, computer tomograph, angiograph, MRT, new generation X-ray units. The up-to-date equipment will be installed at the district hospitals.
As the Governor of the region, Kumar Aksakalov said, this year the region is set to channel KZT 2.5 bln to purchase medical equipment and KZT 500 mln for overhaul works at health facilities.
Besides, the region bought 66 cars, opens family health centres.
Notably, construction of the multi-field hospital will start this spring. The Turkish investor will build it through Public Private Partnership. The amount of investments will reach KZT 50 mln.