17:41, 14 April 2009 | GMT +5
National Action Plan in Human Rights for 2009-2012 developed in Kazakhstan
ASTANA. April 14. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ The National Action Plan in the sphere of human rights for 2009-2012 has become a subject of the discussion at the session of the Human Rights Committee under the President of Kazakhstan, Kazinform reports.

According to Chairman of the Committee Saginbek Tursunov this plan has been developed in Kazakhstan for the first time. ?This document covers all spheres of our society. Here can be found political, social, cultural and economic rights of the Kazakh citizens?, - he said.
According to him the essential achievement of the project has become comparative legal analysis of the national legislation regulating the human rights with respect to conformance to the international standards.
?The important thing is that the documents passed by the Parliament and Government should meet the world standards and the objectives set by the Head of the State in ?The Path to Europe? Program in the light of Kazakhstan?s chairmanship in OSCE. After discussion the updated document will be furnished to President Nursultan Nazarbayev?, - he added.
It was said that the activities within the National Plan would not copy the previous actions of the public agencies in sphere of human rights.