14:56, 14 April 2009 | GMT +5
National Bank notes tenge strengthen
ALMATY. April 14. KAZINFORM /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ ?The exchange rate of KZT 150/ USD 1 is correct?, Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Gregory Marchenko stated today in Almaty.

?There was a series of publications by so-called 'experts' predicting inevitable second devaluation. However in recent day we have been redeeming currency in order to prevent too fast strengthening of tenge. There is pressure towards devaluation. More over, slight but remarkable strengthening of tenge can be observed. We confirm our intention to keep the rate of KZT 150 +/- KZT 5 per dollar?, G.Marchenko said.
According to Marchenko, given the current prices for the main export articles it is more probable that tenge will strengthen in the second half of the year.