National Economy Ministry: GDP growth to make 0.7% in 2016

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan predicts 0.7% of GDP growth in 2016. Minister of National Economy Kuandyk Bishimbayev has said it today at the Government's sitting.

“I would like to note that the implementation of Nurly Zhol program in planned volumes and due to additional anti-crisis measures, our economic growth is expected to be positive, while GDP rise is predicted at 0.7%,” said Bishimbayev.

According to the Minister, more than 200,000 jobs have been created in Kazakhstan since the start of Nurly Zhol program’s implementation. "11,385 families have been provided with housing. Local content share in construction of infrastructure facilities exceeded 80%," he noted.

"20,000 jobs will be created and  13,485 will be provided with housing by the end of the year under this program," the Minister added. 

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