National Public Health Center calls to reduce sugar-sweetened beverages

In Kazakhstan, according to the 6th National Study (2015), the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 42.5 percent. The overweight rate among the adult population of the country was 33.3 percent.
The WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (or COSI) multicenter study involving 5,537 children aged 8-10, which was conducted in 2015 and 2016, showed that 2 out of 10 children were overweight or obese.
Doctors warn that there are 11 teaspoons of sugar in a cup of vanilla latte (4 grams of sugar in a teaspoon), 11.25 in sweet tea, 16.5 in soda water, 18.5 in juice, and 19 teaspoons of sugar in energy drinks.
Daily consumption of a can of soda water can result in gaining 7 kg of weight.
The World Health Organization recommends consuming no more than 25 grams (6 teaspoons) of sugar per day. However, as you know, not only sweets contain sugar.
It should be mentioned, there are healthy options: one can add lemon, cucumber, watermelon to water for flavor, drink sparkling water instead of carbonated drink.
Sweet drinks decrease hunger for a short time, therefore, they do not virtually affect the amount of food consumed by a person after. But, the easily digested carbohydrates mainly transform into fat, the experts explain.
Any soda water contains acid, from relatively harmless carbonic acid (that almost immediately decomposes into gas and water) to orthophosphoric that can dissolve not only teeth but even nails (fasteners). Phosphorus of orthophosphoric acid can reduce the calcium contained in the bones. As children's bones grow, even insignificant metabolic disorders can cause serious problems in the future.
Metabolic disorders and excess weight promote calcium loss. Disorders of digestion and absorption increase the chances of illness.
Overweight and obesity can lead to hypertension and diabetes, and pose the risks of more serious cardiovascular diseases in the future.