Nazarbayev and Trump had phone talks

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - President Nursultan Nazarbayev carried out a telephone conversation with the recently elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, Akorda's press service reported.

The President of Kazakhstan congratulated Donald Trump with the victory in the presidential race, and wished him success in implementation his program. In turn, the U.S. President congratulated Nursultan Nazarbayev on the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan. D. Trump emphasized the fantastic progress which Kazakhstan has achieved for the last 25 years which are possible to consider a "miracle".

During the conversation the two countries' President exchanged opinions about strengthening stability and safety in the world and the Central Asian region. Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that Kazakhstan which had voluntarily refused from nuclear armory was ready to continue fight for the nuclear-free world together with the international community. D. Trump expressed complete solidarity with his position. "There is no more important issue, than nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation which needs to be solved in the global context, - the elected U.S. President said.  

Also Nursultan Nazarbayev drew the attention to three key spheres in which it would be possible to deepen the Russian-American cooperation: fight against terrorism, settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and strengthening of global nuclear safety. In return, the elected U.S. President emphasized that taking into account the results of telephone conversation with the President of Russia V. Putin, there is big optimism in the prospects of cooperation between Washington and Moscow.

The parties declared determination to lift the Kazakhstan-American relations, including trade and economic partnership to a new level. D. Trump expressed interest in arranging a meeting in the nearest future. In conclusion the elected U.S. President gave his best regards to all Kazakhstan people on the threshold of the 25 anniversary of Independence of the republic.

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